Asociácia slovenských škôl a komunít v Spojenom Kráľovstve

O nás

Association of Slovak Schools & Communities UK was set up in 2014 initially with 9 registered schools as a need to ensure their joint co-operation and to liaise with home country organizations, such as MŠVVaŠ SR (Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic), USŽZ (Office for Slovaks Living Abroad), ŠPU (National Institute for Education), with Faculty of Education University Matej Bell in Banska Bystrica, ISEIA (International Slovak Educational Institution and Association) and other organizations supporting the education of Slovak children abroad.

The association was formalized at the Slovak Embassy in 2019, in the presence of The Secretary of State Mr. František Ružička & His Excellency Mr. Ľubomír Rehák, consisting of 16 registered supplementary schools. Currently, there are 20 supplementary schools.

Slovak supplementary schools have qualified teachers and provide education to children of Slovaks living in Great Britain, so that they can subsequently take compulsory ability assessment, which will ensure their progress to the next school year and/or finish their compulsory education.

The association participates in the organization of regular educational activities for teachers, which prepares them for the demanding environment of these schools and creates educational methodological-didactic materials.

Valné zhromaždenia

IV. Valné zhromaždenie ASSC UK 2022
za účasti veľvyslanca SR v Londýne, PhDr. Róberta Ondrejcsáka, PhD. a predsedu ÚSŽZ Mgr. Milana Jána Pilipa

III. Valné zhromaždenie ASSC UK 2021
za účasti pána veľvyslanca SR v Londýne, PhDr. Róberta Ondrejcsáka, PhD